I must apologise, it's been way too long since I've written anything! Between the Norwegian Classes, the Barnahagen and Saturday Social Studies, I've barely had time to breathe!
I had been asked to a small article to write on the Norwegian Christmas traditions. The only thing was... I didn't actually live the Norwegian Christmas... as yet. Now, I realise that the article I wrote was a little bit wrong.
There are many interesting things here in Norway, especially when it comes to the Christmas Season.
Norway has a very christian foundation. That does not mean that most people here actually practice the religion. They are born into a church of Norway. Pretty much everyone is baptised and confirmation is part of the school as opposed to the church.
For Christmas, it starts with the Advent Calendar. They celebrate the 4 Sundays before Christmas by lighting 1 candle each Sunday. They have special songs that are sung when they light the candles, some for children and some for adults. It is usually a purple affair. All the stores and candles are in purple. Advent Calendars are very popular and unlike America or Trinidad, there are alot of handmade things. The Candles are normally displayed in fancy arrangements, arched candle sticks etc. Also, it is popular to put a star or an electric candle set in the window. I'm not too sure if anyone know why they did the candle things, but I read once about a German custom of encouraging children to put a candle in their window to remind passers-by of the light of Jesus Christ. So maybe that tradition was just handed over?
On December 13th, they celebrate Santa Lucia Day. This is usually celebrated in the barnehagen or schools. Lucky for me, I got to see it. It is a very adorable little celebration. A young girl is chosen to be the Santa Lucia, who has a crown of candles (fake of course) on her head followed by a few other chidren with fake candles in their hands. At least 30 something years ago they used to use real candles. My husband remembers real candles I can only imagine that being the Santa Lucia was not really an honour when they used real candles. I mean can you really imagine having hot wax fall on you everytime you moved your head? ... yea I couldn't either ...
But however, the Lucicatta is the BOMB!!! Its a bread made with safron and cinniman. It was sooo good. Usually, the little children walking around in line carry these goodies in baskets to give out to people. I had one of these things and I was hooked. I was determined to try it at home. The recipe, I found out, called for safron. Now, norway is all .... ehem ... cosmopolitan... it like to think ... but I could not find safron powder ANYWHERE! I used a substitute that was not so great. So, of course Jaemie with her fass self and domesticated mind, decided to try the bread - needless to say, I couldn't really eat it .. it is now my permanent Christmas decoration ... (or a weapon against intruders... which ever is needed more).
So that one didn't come out so great, but I have tried the brun pinner and a nøtteroser, peppakake, and kakemann and I have one more to do. I'm pretty proud of all the baking I've done for this Christmas. It's the first time that I have had a my own family (only husband right now) and its been great! I think I've spent more time in the kitchen this year than I have for years before I was married. But I love to bake .... and I guess I'm just revisiting that love that once blew up in a cloud of fire and smoke when I was younger... making pholorie for my brothers and threw water into a pot of hot oil .... on fire... .... yea ..... I MUST have panicked!
Any ways, they have a big thing with peppakake which is like spiced cookies or what we call ginger cookies. They make houses with it, they make christmas decorations, advent calendars, the list goes on and on and on ... Its a great way to start off Christmas I must admit... it made me want to eat everything in site .. because ... well .. everything WAS edible! ... but that sounds worse than a Trini Chrismtas huh?? ... well.... give me a chance to continue with Even MORE Christmas stuff!!!....
To be continued.... whey yuh say??