I'm Loving the shopping here!! .. The couple of times that I've been shopping before, the stores were so lame... honestly ... just the basics... but then there was COOP!!! ... OMG!! ... I turned into a wanna be Kmart/coop honey!lol. It was really lovely shopping.
Since we had been away, grocery stores have started to introduce the Coin Shopping trolleys... but Who normally walks around with a 10kr in your pocket .. obviously not us... so we proceeded to do a HUGE (and I mean HUGE) shop in 2 rolling baskets. A word to Trinidad ... those are actually cute and make sense -not as big as a Trolley but you don't have to lugg them around in your arm like a basket either. You put the basket on the ground and pull it... kinda like those long time old people trolley things....very useful!.
Things are always so clean packed ......and in Norwegian... so I'm still lost when it comes to what things are. But pictures can go a long way to help with shopping. So that makes it fun.. ... Oh what you say ? that's not chicken?? no worries... it looked like it ... its what? .... liver paste? ... yum.... and eww...
Now like I said .. it helps to do a big shop with a trolley ... because .. its not that we were cheap or anything we just didn't have 10kr on us... hence the rolling baskets... however, we really missed the trolley when we had to tote things to the car.
But first, Trinis... you know all this creating of employment for "silly" things like baggers for grocery shopping and filling your tank for u etc? .. well that is normaaal here... Unfortunately, i have not become an expert packer as yet, so with our "big shop", things are flying down the cashier belt as fast as she can pass her hand at the POS thingy... only thing is.. my packing is not even NEAR that fast ... I find myself bundling up with things to pack and not enough bags to put it all in. And don't think that they double bag everything here ... uhhh no... you have a proper bag and you are expected to put as MUCH into it as it humanly possible .. or else you are WASTING bags... and they reluctantly pelt you another one.
So we are struggling to the car with these bags.. all 6 of them ... all heavy .... and a huge box of prawns..... but geezz all I can think about were the temperate cherries and strawberries that I protected in the packing like one would protect eggs.
No worries .... at least now I know to hide a 10kr somewhere in my bag so that we won't have to do that again.
Whey yuh sey to some mangoes, cherries and strawberries??? ..yum
I'm getting my fill of strawberries while I'm the US. Do they have a Farmer's Market near where you live? They are so lovely.