Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Kindergarten .... the aftermath ...

Just when I thought that life could not get more complicated, I started working at a Kindergarten.  My first day was not as wonderful as I would have liked to boast...
but it has gotten better.

After my initial shock of what working in a Norwegian Kindergarten wore off, I realised that this is one opportunity for me to just expand myself and push me out of my comfort zones.  This is, or used to be, something that I found easy.  I think the problem was that it involved little kiddies this time.
I'm not going to pretend ... it's been a task to push myself ...

But I've honestly started loving these little munchkins....

I don't care what any mother or father says ... you WILL have a favourite child.  They WILL NEVER (and SHOULD NEVER) actually say it, but the fact still remains. 
So I too have little munchkins that I enjoy more than others... and true to myself, I gravitate towards the ones that are pleasant, strong and brave..... that would almost always be the ones they call ... boys. lol

It's amazing how much my attitude towards kiddies has changed.  I'm no longer "fearful" for want of a better word, of them, nor do I have any hang -ups about how they behave.  There will always be those that will have more behaviour, or know where the boundaries are than others.
I've been subject to sneezing, coughing on me, giving me spitty toys and even reading stories - YES in NORWEGIAN! - to impatient listeners, to spitty good byes, and hugs when I ask for them, laughing and giggling and hushed tears when I kiss the hurt finger or head.
I've become someone that they are not afraid of, but sometimes even gravitate towards.  I've become someone who helps them to eat all their food and not someone who lets them get away with things.... as long as I know how to say it in Norwegian, I will.

It is great practice.

There was a particular day when I came home and my hubby told me " You smell like babies".
Of course what he really meant was that I smelt like dirty diapers. Yes, you are forgiven husby...  and I quickly showered so that he would not smell other people's kids diapers.... however, he better get used to his own kid's Diapers! LOL ....

One thing that I thought might happen that hasn't .. and neither do I see if happening, is that it's harder to make "friends" at a kindergarten then originally thought.  In fact, the only time we really get to socialize is during the break for lunch - which is as it should be. But, how does one make friends when u hardly even get to talk .. in norwegian... or English.

Oh, by the way, the young lady who had given me the wonderful ending to my day, is still the same way .... with a few more smiles here and there. But that is just how she is .... and I suppose she is lovely to .... I don't assume I will ever know ...  But if I were to adopt the attitude that I'm not here to make friends .. then perhaps I would have a more 'profitable' time at the kindergarten.

One day at lunch the director told me "We will have to put you with the older kids soon. You will get more conversation"
Now prior to her telling me this, I understood pretty much fully when she was discussing it in Norwegian with her collegue. When she started to talkto me I knew what was coming.
"Yes sure, I'm looking forward to the conversations so that I can stare blankly at them wondering .. what the heck did they just say?"
They had all snickered, including the south american who had gone through the same thing. hmmm ... glad u guys think it's funny.

It's amazing how organised the Kindergarten is though. There is a vast amount of information that the teachers/ assistants put out there - in books, on the computer,and also each parent pretty much gets a run down on their kid for the day ... if they want to and can be bothered to wait .. of course.

I've gotten used the the rhythm now and it doesn't seem so hectic, only precise.

There are a few things that have really struck me working here.
1.  The beauty of the Parent/child reunion at the end of the day
2. How much we as teachers get the opportunity to see these 1 and 2 year old grow up in front of you, start talking, saying things, and playing fairly, walking properly and stop crawling, eating better and using spoons properly.
3. How much a little kid can make your day. Sometimes just a kid running up to me for a hug without me asking can make my day feel so much more worthwhile than I could have imagined. 

Today, one of my favourites called my name.  He said "Har det, Saemie!" hehehe ... an immediate tear jerker!

So before I start getting all choked up and teary-eyed .... I'm glad that I'm here ... I can't wait to be able to have great ole conversations with my neices and nephews! :) But the best part, is knowing what to do, how much clothes to put on and how to change these darn diapers!

Whey yuh say?